【主要成分/Major Ingredient】 離子水、水性樹脂、石粉、專用助劑,不含重金屬、甲醛、苯系揮發物等有害成分。 Ion water, Polyaminoacid resin, Auxiliaries agent, Stone powder, all Heavy metals, Formaldehyde, Benzyl...etc. are not detected.
【產品簡介/Introduction】 專用於補平牆面凹洞,有別於一般傳統補土,能提供不龜裂的彈性、卓越的防水能力、強力附著於光滑表面、快速乾燥,並承受酸鹼溶劑侵蝕。 Specifically for repairing the wall cavity, can provide high flexibility, excellent waterproof, strong adhesion to smooth surfaces, quick drying, and to resist the erosion of acid-base solvent.
請將準備要處理的牆面進行清潔,用刮刀刮除鬆脫漆膜並以濕抹布清除粉塵,特別是汙垢、灰塵、砂土、油漬或發霉等處皆請先徹底清理。 接著將打開本產品紅蓋,將尖嘴確實套上並轉緊,放入矽膠槍(需自備或另購)扣幾次板機使其緊迫,再將黑蓋取下,即可順利擠出使用。 用完後若還有剩,將尖嘴取下洗淨,套回紅蓋並轉緊,置於陰涼處保存,留待下次使用(開封後請在六個月內用完)。 本產品可使用於窗框、門框或牆壁邊角約10公尺長度。 Use a scraper to remove the loose paint coating from the wall first and clear the dust, dirt, sand, oil and mold with a wet rag completely. Then open the "red cover", put the needle on it and tighten it tightly. Put it into the "caulk gun" (you need to prepare it yourself or buy it) and press it several times to make it tight. Then remove the "black cover" and you can start using it. If there is any remaining after use, remove the needle and wash it, put back "red cover" and turn it tightly, store it in a cool place, and leave it for next use (please use it within six months after opening). This product can use about 10 meters on window frame, door frame or wall corner.
【儲存建議/Storage】 使用完置於陰涼乾燥處勿讓兒童接觸,發生緊急狀況時請用大量清水沖洗。 Shut the pack tightly and keep it in a cool and dry place. Keep it away from kids and avoid to be eaten by mistake. If any emergency occurs, please flush with water immediately.
【製造日期/Manufacture date】 標示於外包裝/Marked on the pack
【保存期限/Preservation period】 三年/3 years
【內容淨重/Net weight】 300g/支/每箱3支裝 【生產地區/Country of origin】 台灣/Taiwan 【產品編號/Product number】 C-090-300g-3 【另備有1kg、4kg及18kg容量可供選購/We also provide 1kg, 4kg & 18kg capacity for purchase】
【研發設計/R & D】 蝶古巴特社會企業股份有限公司/Decoupage Social Enterprise INC. 【客戶服務/Customer Service】 LINE@decorMaster service@decorMaster.org +886-800-881990